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Protein Powders for Weight Loss: Are They Beneficial?
Published on December 12, 2024

Protein powders aren’t only your gym buddy for muscle building; they’re also undercover heroes in the fight to drop those stubborn extra pounds.
Looking for the best type of protein powders for weight loss? Whey protein, casein, egg proteins, and plant-based sources like soy and pea are all ideal choices.
Some of these protein powders include nutrients like caffeine and fiber, which can help with weight loss.
While these items can help you lose weight, they’ll work best to combine with a well-balanced, low-calorie diet and regular exercise.
The Top 7 Protein Powders for Weight Loss
Protein supplements have long been popular among those looking to gain muscle and strength.
They can, however, assist those who are trying to lose weight.
The best protein powders provide several weight loss benefits, including appetite control, as a quick and enjoyable approach to enhancing your protein intake.
They’re high-concentrated dairy or plant-based protein sources that may also have additional substances to help with weight loss.
Check the best protein powder suitable for your needs. Listed below seven finest protein powders for your reference.
1. Protein with a coffee flavor
There are various protein powders available, ranging from snickerdoodle to birthday cake to cookies & cream.
Add coffee-flavored protein powders to the mix, which often contain ground coffee, high in the metabolism-boosting stimulant caffeine.
For example, each scoop (36 grams) of Dymatize’s mocha-flavored whey protein powder has 25 grams and 113 mg of caffeine, which is somewhat higher than an average 8-ounce (237-ml) cup of coffee.
Caffeine enhances your stamina during workouts and your metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat and calories.
This makes coffee-protein mixes an ideal snack for 30–60 minutes before working out.
Furthermore, the protein in these items can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, allowing you to consume fewer calories each day.
Caffeine is not present in all coffee-flavored protein powders, so read the nutrition label carefully.
Caffeine from coffee grounds is found in many coffee-flavored protein powders. Protein and caffeine, when combined, help you lose weight.
2. Protein derived from whey
Whey protein powder is one of the most widely used protein powders today. In fact, this might be the best protein powder available in the market.
Whey is one of two milk proteins; casein is the other.
Whey protein powder is commonly used after exercise for muscle growth and recovery since it is easily digested and absorbed by the body.
While many studies support the traditional use of whey protein concentrate for muscle growth, some suggest it may also help weight loss.
This Optimum Nutrition product has 24 grams of whey protein per scoop (30 grams) and may help you gain muscle and lose fat.
Overweight or obese persons supplemented with whey protein powder lost more weight and built more muscle mass than those who didn’t.
According to the same study, whey protein users also had significant improvements in blood pressure, blood sugar control, and cholesterol levels.
The capacity of whey protein to suppress hunger and make you feel fuller throughout the day contributes to these weight-loss effects.
Whey protein has been shown in studies to help with weight loss by making you feel fuller for longer and suppressing your appetite. Try now, especially whey protein isolates.
3. Casein protein
Casein, the other milk protein, is digested considerably more slowly than whey protein, but it has many of the same weight-loss benefits.
When casein protein is exposed to stomach acids, it produces curds. This means it takes your body a long time to digest and absorb it – usually 6–7 hours.
On the other hand, Casein’s slow digestion rate can help you eat less by suppressing your appetite.
A carbohydrate drink or casein, whey, egg, or pea protein was given to 32 men 30 minutes before consuming an unlimited meal in one trial. According to the researchers, Casein had the most significant influence on satiety and resulted in the fewest calories consumed.
However, not all investigations have come to the same conclusion.
In another study, those who ate whey protein 90 minutes before eating had a buffet ate fewer calories and experienced less hunger than those who ate casein.
These findings imply that casein may be preferable to whey protein only when given 30 minutes before a meal rather than 90 minutes. However, comparing casein to whey protein and other protein powders requires additional investigation.
Calcium is also abundant in casein.
For example, one scoop of Optimum Nutrition’s casein protein powder contains 60% of your daily calcium needs (34 grams).
Higher calcium consumption has been related to decreased body weight in several observational studies. Still, this benefit has yet to be seen in randomized controlled trials, the gold standard of scientific evidence.
Casein protein powders may help you lose weight by curbing your appetite. Its high calcium content may also help with weight loss.
4. Protein from soy
Soy protein is one of the few plant-based proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids.
As a result, it’s a high-quality protein source that vegans and those who can’t take milk proteins would appreciate.
It has been proven to influence appetite.
Men were given pizza one hour after taking whey, soy, or egg white protein in one trial.
Though whey protein was linked to the most significant reduction in appetite, soy was more effective than egg white protein at curbing hunger and lowering calorie intake.
Women have also been proven to benefit from soy protein.
In one randomized trial, postmenopausal women were given 20 grams of soy or casein protein drink every day for three months.
One scoop of EAS soy protein powder contains the same quantity of soy protein.
Although the results were not substantial, those who consumed soy lost more belly fat than those who consumed casein.
Similarly, when utilized as a part of a low-calorie meal replacement program, soy protein was equivalent to other kinds of protein for weight loss in both men and women in another study.
Soy protein, a plant-based protein, is perhaps yet another best protein powder available. It has been demonstrated to aid weight loss compared to dairy-based proteins such as casein.
5. A fiber-fortified protein
Dietary fiber is best obtained from plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains.
Normalizing bowel movements, decreasing cholesterol levels, regulating blood sugars in persons with type 2 diabetes, and reaching a healthy weight are all advantages of consuming enough fiber in your diet.
Fiber, like protein, has been demonstrated to reduce food consumption and, as a result, body weight.
Unfortunately, during the manufacture of plant-based protein powder, much — if not all — of the fiber is removed.
However, several fiber-fortified plant-based protein powders are available. Pea, rice, chia seeds, and garbanzo beans are among the protein sources used in these goods.
Protein and fiber provide a synergistic impact that assists weight loss more than the elements alone.
Look for protein blends with more than 5 grams of fiber per serving in mixed plant-based protein mixes.
For example, each 43-gram scoop of Garden of Life Fit meal replacement contains 28 grams of protein from a range of plant-based sources and 9 grams of fiber.
Similarly, two scoops of Orgain’s protein powder provide 21 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber (46 grams).
The fiber in the diet has several health benefits, including weight loss. Several blended plant-based proteins are supplemented with fiber for further weight loss benefits.
6. Protein from egg whites
Egg white protein is a good substitute if you don’t like or can’t tolerate milk proteins.
While the yolk contains most of the nutrients, egg white protein is derived only from the whites, as the name implies.
Dehydrated chicken egg whites are ground into powder to make it.
Pasteurization is used to preserve egg white protein goods like this one from NOW Sports.
This kills Salmonella and inactivates avidin, a protein that attaches to the B vitamin biotin and inhibits it from being absorbed.
Although the appetite-suppressing effect of egg white protein isn’t as strong as whey protein or casein, studies suggest that it can help you eat fewer calories, which can help you lose weight.
Egg white protein powders are an excellent alternative if you’re allergic to dairy products. Keep in mind that the weight-loss advantages are less pronounced when compared to whey protein or casein protein powder.
7. Protein from peas
Pea protein, like soy protein, is a complete protein that contains all nine essential amino acids.
On the other hand, Pea protein does not have the same amino acid profile as dairy-based protein powders since it lacks some essential amino acids. These essential amino acids are very important to ensure overall health.
Yellow peas are used to make pea protein powder, such as this one from Naked Nutrition.
It’s hypoallergenic, so it’s a good alternative for people who have milk, soy, or egg intolerances or allergies.
Pea protein powder is also an excellent plant-based weight-loss alternative to dairy-based proteins.
Men consumed 20 grams of a carbohydrate drink or casein, whey, pea, or egg protein 30 minutes before a meal in one study looking at protein and fullness.
Pea protein, second only to casein in appetite suppression, resulted in participants consuming fewer calories overall.
Pea protein does not have the flavor of mashed peas, but it does have an earthy flavor that some people may find unpleasant.
If this is the case, Naked Nutrition’s chocolate-flavored pea protein powders are a far better option.
Pea protein comes from yellow peas and is a plant-based protein. It’s hypoallergenic, so it’s safe for people with food sensitivities or allergies. Pea protein can help you lose weight by making you eat less.
Protein Powders Aren’t the Only Way to Lose Weight
When it comes to losing weight, the most critical factor is to create a calorie deficit.
So, aside from drinking protein powders for weight loss, you may wish to consume fewer calories than you exert, you have a calorie deficit. You can do this by eating fewer calories, exercising more, or mixing the two.
There are certain benefits to boosting your protein intake once you’ve established a calorie deficit, which protein powders can help you with.
Increasing your protein intake aids weight loss by:
Increased sensations of fullness: Protein keeps you satisfied for longer, allowing you to eat less and lose weight.
Boosting metabolism: Protein consumes the most calories during digestion and usage compared to carbs and fat. As a result, increasing your protein consumption can help you burn more calories.
Muscle mass preservation: You lose both fat and muscle mass when you lose weight. Protein consumption, combined with resistance training, can help you maintain muscle and burn fat.
On the other hand, protein supplements will not help you lose weight independently. They just make dieting easier by curbing your appetite.
Increasing your protein consumption can help you lose weight in various ways. Protein powders can be used as part of a more effective weight-loss strategy, but they won’t help you lose weight on your own.
What Kind of Protein is Best for Weight Loss?
A high-protein diet can be highly effective when it comes to losing weight.
Lower levels of hunger hormones and cravings, increased fullness, and even a higher amount of calories expended are some benefits.
With so many possibilities for increasing protein intake, determining the ideal form of protein for weight reduction can be challenging.
The effects of different forms of protein on weight loss are discussed in this article.
Protein-rich diets help people lose weight.
Studies show that eating a high-protein diet can help you lose weight without limiting calories or other nutrients.
Overweight adults, for example, lost an average of 11 pounds (5 kg) over 12 weeks by increasing their protein intake from 15% to 30% of daily calories without changing anything else in their diet.
Furthermore, high-protein meals have been demonstrated to aid in the reduction of body fat, particularly around the abdomen, and the enhancement of lean muscle mass.
A high protein diet may also help you maintain your weight loss. According to one study, a slightly higher protein intake (18% of daily calories vs. 15%) resulted in a 50 percent reduced body weight regain.
There are several reasons why high-protein diets help people lose weight:
- Keep you fuller for longer: Protein is highly satiating, meaning you stay fuller for longer. This can lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.
- Reduce cravings: A high-protein diet has been linked to reduced cravings and a lower desire to snack at night.
- Increase calorie burns: Increased protein intake has been shown to have a higher thermic effect. This means it can boost the number of calories burned by up to 80 to 100 per day.
- Change weight hormones: Protein has been shown to reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin levels and boost the appetite-reducing hormones GLP-1 and PYY.
Many protein sources are available, making a high-protein diet simple to follow.
Natural protein from foods and extra protein, usually in a protein shake, are the two primary forms of these sources.
High-protein diets help people lose weight and may also assist them in avoiding gaining it back. They accomplish this by decreasing hunger hormones, enhancing fullness, burning more calories, and reducing cravings.
Foods High in Protein Can Help You Lose Weight
Certain foods have many protein by nature, and consuming them regularly has been related to weight loss.
Eggs, for example, have been shown in studies to keep you satiated for longer and may contribute to a reduction in overall food intake.
Eating protein-rich nuts, beans, and legumes regularly has also been associated with lower body weight, increased satiety, and weight loss.
Furthermore, both animal and plant-based protein sources appear to be equally effective in helping people lose weight.
In one study, overweight persons lost the same weight whether they followed a plant-based or animal-based weight loss diet.
Research reported similar findings in other investigations. Plant-based protein diets exhibited benefits for weight loss, hunger management, and food intake comparable to animal-based protein diets.
Foods high in protein include:
- Eggs: 6 grams of protein in 1 large egg
- Nuts: 6 grams of protein in 1 ounce (28 grams) of almonds
- Chicken: 53 grams of protein in 1 chicken breast, cooked
- Cottage cheese: 23 grams of protein in 1 cup (210 grams)
- Cheese: 7 grams of protein in 1 ounce (28 grams) of cheddar cheese
- Greek yogurt: 17 grams of protein in 6 ounces (170 grams)
- Milk: 8 grams of protein in 1 cup
- Lean beef: 22 grams of protein in 3 ounces (85 grams)
- Fish: 39 grams in 1 cup (154 grams) of tuna
- Quinoa: 8 grams of protein in 1 cup (185 grams), cooked
- Lentils: 18 grams of protein in 1 cup (198 grams), cooked
Include a variety of high-protein items in your diet to increase your protein intake. Plant-based and animal-based protein sources are both beneficial for weight loss.
Final Thoughts
It is critical to boosting your protein consumption when trying to lose weight. The source of the protein appears to be less relevant.
Natural protein from foods and casein and whey protein supplements have the most scientific backing for weight loss.
For weight loss, a daily protein intake of 0.5–1 gram per pound of body weight (1.2–2.2 grams/kg), or 25–35 percent of total daily calories, appears to be the most helpful.
It is advisable to increase your protein intake by eating more whole meals. Whole foods are more nutrient-dense and less processed than protein supplements and contain essential amino acids.
On the other hand, protein powders for weight loss can be helpful when time is limited. They may also be suitable for athletes, vegans or vegetarians, and the elderly who fail to satisfy their protein demands through food. A protein shake is more palatable and even healthier.
One should not take protein supplements in addition to your regular diet but rather as a replacement for other calories if your objective is to lose weight.
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-protein-powders-for-weight-loss#:~:text=The%20Bottom%20Line,people%20looking%20to%20lose%20weight.
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/protein-shakes-weight-loss
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/expert-answers/protein-shakes/faq-20058335
- https://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/a19944313/weight-loss-protein-powders/
- https://www.lamag.com/sponsored/best-protein-powders-for-weight-loss/