What is an Elimination Diet? Why Do It and How?

Many people struggle with food allergies and digestive problems. The World Health Organization states that anywhere from 2 to 20 percent of individuals worldwide face these challenges with what they eat. (1) An elimination diet, which has been used for many centuries, is considered to be the most reliable method for determining food intolerances, sensitivities, […]

Can Poor Diet Cause Hormonal Imbalance? How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

The Importance of Hormonal Balance Hormones are **big players** in making you feel awesome. When you’re not on your A-game, chances are, your hormones are throwing a party without you. Good news, though! A lot of the problems stirring up hormone trouble can be sorted out. Hormones and the endocrine system keep your body in […]

Is It Good to Add Watermelons to Your Diet?

Summer’s arrived, and you know what? For those aiming to say farewell to pesky fat, jump into the tasty universe of watermelons. As per the World Health Organization, consuming at least five 80-gram servings of various fruits and vegetables daily lowers your risk for serious health problems. In addition, there are certain fruits that help […]