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17 Weight Loss Drinks You Can Consume In The Morning
Published on December 9, 2024

Fed up with jumping from diet to diet, only to find it’s a bust? Nervous that those stubborn extra pounds have decided to make themselves at home? Belly fat can seem like a strong opponent, but here’s some good news: You have a friend in this battle.
Today, what we have here are 17 of the most amazing and effective weight loss drinks. These drinks will fit perfectly in your morning routine, boosting your energy and satisfying your hunger while they are allowing you to enjoy in their great taste. Are you interested in finding out and try some new recipe?
The 17 weight loss drinks you may wish to try in the mornings!
Pineapple and lime juice
- 1 cup pineapple
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- ½ tsp Ceylon cinnamon
Mix the pineapple and the lime juice in a blender, then add the cinnamon and a pinch of salt (optional). The pineapple will help reduce any present inflammation in your body, while the lime, which is a rich source of Vitamin C, will boost your immunity, reduce any inflammation, remove any free radicals, and help you regulate your body weight better (1). Ceylon cinnamon, not only will it improve the taste of the drink, but it will also lower your blood sugar levels and suppress your hunger throughout the day (2).
Delicious black coffee
- 1 tsp black coffee
- 200 ml hot water
- A bit of almond milk (optional)
- A bit of stevia for those of you who have a sweet tooth
Apart from its ability to wake us up in the morning and boost our energy levels throughout the day, coffee has weight loss abilities as well. Coffee has been scientifically proven to be able to reduce the number of calories that one has consumed throughout the day, by simply drinking a caffeinated drink that contained 6 mg of caffeine (3). We highly recommend thinking about using almond milk and a bit of stevia instead of regular milk, white, and brown sugar as a way to induce weight loss better.
Grapefruit and pomegranate juice
- ½ cup grapefruit
- ½ cup pomegranate
- 1 tsp honey
Mix all of the ingredients in your blender and start off your morning with this delicious drink. Grapefruit will help you improve your insulin levels, while the pomegranate will help you regulate your blood pressure, lower your LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and triglycerides levels (4, 5).
Coffee and dark chocolate drink
- 1 tsp black coffee
- 1 tsp ground flaxseeds
- ½ tsp grated dark chocolate
- 200 ml hot water
We already mentioned that caffeine has some great weight loss benefits that you should not miss out. But flaxseeds do aid the weight loss process as well by reducing the present inflammation in the body and also reducing the insulin resistance (6). And the dark chocolate is not there just to improve the taste. It also aids your digestion and acts as a great antioxidant source.
Ginger, lime, and cumin drink
- A bit of ginger root
- ½ a lime
- ½ tsp cumin powder
- 200 ml of cold water
Put everything in your blender and give it a good spin. Afterward, enjoy your drink and feel the beneficial effects of the used ingredients. Ginger aids your digestion and solves any digestion problems for and so does cumin as well. And we already mentioned the many health benefits of limes (7, 8).
Black tea weight loss drink
- 2-3 gr of black tea leafs
- 200 ml hot water
- A few drops of lemon juice
- Sweetener (honey, stevia) which is optional
When the water starts to boil add the tea leaves and stir it for 2-3 more minutes. Steep the tea for another 3-5 minutes, add the lemon juice and the sweetener and enjoy the great taste.
Since it contains flavonoids, compounds that are great antioxidants that stimulate weight loss, anyone who is interested in losing weight should use black tea on their side. In addition, black tea has been scientifically proven on numerous occasions for its weight loss, and general health, benefits (9).
Green tea mixed with mint
- 2-3 green tea leafs
- 4-5 mint leafs
- 200 ml of water
Add the mint leaves to the water and let it boil. Add the green tea leaves to the water once it has boiled and let it soak for 5 to 8 minutes. The weight loss abilities of green tea have been the subject of many studies so far, showing that green tea helps to burn more calories than ever (10). The fat burning process has been specially enhanced when green tea has been consumed before and after workouts.
Coconut water and pineapple drink
- 200 ml of coconut water
- ½ cup pineapple
- ½ tsp ground fennel seeds
Add all of the ingredients in the blender, blend everything together and do not forget to add a few ice cubes to your glass before you drink it. Coconut water has the ability to suppress your hunger, while the fennel seeds have been known for their ability to clean your colon and act as great antioxidant agents (11). Thanks to fennel seeds, you will no longer feel bloated or have to deal with any digestion problems with this healthy and delicious drink.
Water is the best and most inexpensive drinks that will hydrate your body all day long, apart from providing you with other health benefits as well. If you are interested in losing those last couple of pounds, we highly recommend you to stick to your water bottle. In fact, a scientific study has shown that drinking 500 ml water before your meals will help you reduce the number of calories that you intake, thus aiding your weight loss process (12).
Cucumber water with fenugreek seeds drink
- 100 ml of fresh water
- ½ cucumber
- 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds
While you blend the cucumber, make sure that you have your previously soaked in overnight fenugreek seeds. Mix all the ingredients together, add a bit of salt if you want to and drink this magical drink. Remember that fenugreek has some amazing health benefits including the ability to boost your metabolism, eliminate any free radicals, and increase your insulin sensitivity! And the delicious, fresh cucumbers will hydrate your body and flush the toxins away (13, 14).
Apple cider vinegar and celery drink
- 200 ml water
- ½ diced celery
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
After you have blended the celery and you have added the water to it, pour it into a glass and add the apple cider vinegar. This power drink will burn those calories away within weeks of consuming it.
Celery is one of those foods that are hard to digest, so basically, your body burns way too many calories to digest it fully. Plus, it will lower your LDL (“bad cholesterol”) levels and the apple cider vinegar will help regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar levels (15).
Hot ginger tea
- 200 ml of water
- 2 tbsp fresh ginger root
- Sweetener – honey or stevia (optional)
- A few drops of lemon juice (optional)
Let the water to boil and add the diced ginger root. After you have let it soak for 8 to 10 minutes, add honey or stevia and perhaps a few drops of lemon juice. Apparently, ginger helps reduce your hunger and boost your metabolism so it can burn more calories than ever and you can finally get rid of that extra body weight!
Tomato, lime juice, and black salt drink
- One sliced tomato
- ½ lime juice
- A pinch of salt (optional)
Blend, and then serve your drink in a glass. Let the tomatoes deliver their antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals so that your body can fight diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. And we already discussed the health benefits of lime juice as a part of our previous recipes.
Kale and apple cider vinegar drink
- 200 ml of fresh water
- 1 cup kale
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Blend everything out and do not forget to stir your drink well before drinking it. Kale is not only delicious, but it is also highly nutritious, and one of the best Vitamin C sources out there. In addition, it will help regulate your blood sugar levels and prevent obesity by balancing your metabolism (16). This drink is a must on anyone’s daily menu!
Wheatgrass and grapes juice
- 200 ml of water
- 1 cup grapes
- 1 cup wheatgrass
If you are struggling with high cholesterol levels, high triglycerides levels, obesity, and diabetes, then this is the drink for you. Wheatgrass and grapes are both some power ingredients that you should not miss out on (17, 18). Blend everything nicely and top it up by adding a pinch of salt according to taste. You will be blown away by the taste!
Whey protein and chia seed drink
- Two tbs whey protein (preferably unflavored)
- 1 tsp chia seeds
- 1 cup almond milk
- A bit of honey
You might not know this, but when you are trying to lose weight – protein is your biggest friend. Protein, and with that – high protein drinks, is what will keep your hunger satisfied in the long run. And consuming a high-protein drink such as this one, especially in the morning, it will make sure that you consume fewer calories throughout the day and feel less hungry (19). The chia seeds are here to add to the taste and the high nutritional value to this awesome weight loss drink, and there is no doubt in that.
Papaya and Ceylon cinnamon drink
- 200 ml of water
- ½ tsp Ceylon cinnamon
- 1 cup papaya
Give all the ingredients a good spin in your blender and allow yourself to enjoy the great taste that this nutritional drink has to offer you. As we mentioned a few times until now, papaya helps by regulating your cholesterol levels, while the Ceylon cinnamon helps to regulate your blood sugar levels and improves your brain function.
Reading today’s article, what we hope you have learned is the fact that most of the ingredients that are already to be found in your kitchen, can be used to prepare some delicious, nutritional, and most importantly – weight loss inducing drinks. From lemons, limes, honey, Ceylon cinnamon, to ginger, green tea, and even dark chocolate – the choice is yours. Now the question is – what is the first drink that you are willing to try? Believe in the health benefits and the nutritional value that the previously mentioned drinks have and enjoy as they become a usual part of your everyday life, inducing weight loss by the second.
(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3529416/
(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3326760/
(3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23671022
(4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16579728
(5) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4007340/
(6) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3112403/
(7) https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-961/ginger
(8) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3210012/
(9) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28965248
(10) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4025876/
(11) https://jonbarron.org/herbal-library/foods/fennel
(12) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2859815/
(13) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4020548/
(14) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23098877
(15) https://bodynutrition.org/apple-cider-vinegar/
(16) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-proven-benefits-of-kale
(17) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20508870
(18) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-grapes
(19) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3145217/