10 Simple Exercises You Can Do As A Diabetic

Exercise is a golden ticket for everyone, but if you’re dealing with diabetes, it’s like having an extra ace up your sleeve. Everyone knows that moving your body is a big deal for keeping fit. It makes you feel awesome, helps you snooze like a baby, and lets you zip through your day-to-day stuff. Plus, […]

Top 10 Safe Supplements You Can Take to Augment Your Training

In the US, you’ll find a huge selection of workout supplements that are considered safe. But, watch out – some might have side effects you didn’t sign up for. A few will give you a heads-up on the label, but others might leave you guessing. The root of the problem? Supplements often don’t get the […]

Can Cooling your Hands Help Make Exercise Longer and Improve Your Strength? Read Here!

Cool palms mean you can ace your job when the sun cranks up the heat. Boost your game by keeping those hands chilly. Our hands may have significantly impacted our evolution more than the human brain. As Alan Ruddock demonstrates, keeping your hands at a cool temperature can help you perform better in sports (1). […]