Smoking and Weight Loss: What Happens to Your Weight After You Quit Smoking?

Smoking helps make you lose weight but it’s also the top cause of preventable deaths such as chronic bronchitis, heart disease, and lung cancer.

What is the Okinawa Diet?

The famous Japanese Okinawa diet has been gaining popularity as a wholesome which is also beneficial for weight loss. Read on to find out more.

Are Overnight Oats Good for Weight Loss

Overnight oats should be a part of your weightloss program. The recipe is simply oats soaked in water/milk overnight but what a wonder it can be!

9 Ways to Burn Calories Without Trying

Battling the bulge is more than just about chasing good looks – it’s like unlocking a treasure chest for your body and mind. Lugging around extra weight is like being the top contender for inviting a whole array of health issues. Still, many people treat it as just another slice of life’s pie. Here’s the […]

Kombucha For Weight Loss: Is It A Good Choice?

Kombucha has gained many popularity over the years and it has many health benefits. Read on to find out how kombucha can help you lose weight.

11 Practical Ways To Maintain Your Weight Loss

What’s harder than losing weight? Maintaining it! Learn how to maintain your weight loss with these 11 practical tips.

13 Foods You Must Avoid to Lose Weight

There are foods you should eat and you shouldn’t eat if you want to lose weight. In this article, we listed 13 food to avoid to lose weight quickly.

How Can I Lose Weight After 40?

We all know losing weight is hard. And it’s only getting harder when you’re 40. Follow our tips to get your body back, even if you’re over 40.

How Fast Should You Lose Weight?

You’ve found the perfect diet and workout to lose weight. The only question left now is, how fast should you lose weight? We answer that in this article.

10 Morning Habits to Help You Lose Weight

Do you want to make the best out of your morning and lose weight at the same time? We have 10 practical habits you can do tomorrow morning!