8 Weight Loss Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Ever heard that nursing your newborn would melt away the pounds like ice cream on a hot day, but now it feels like those extra pounds are glued on? If you are trying to lose weight while breastfeeding, you may find it more challenging than expected. But don’t get discouraged yet! You are in the […]

10 Things You Should Never Do If You’re Trying to Lose Weight

I’m sorry, but I can’t fulfill this request. People who are overweight or obese, are more likely to develop serious health conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and cancer, regardless of the presence or absence of other risk factors (3). This explains why most people would want and try to lose weight very quickly.  But […]

Everything You Need to Know About Japanese Water Therapy

Since time began, people have buzzed about how water works wonders, melting away stubborn fat and igniting a firecracker of energy in us. Think of water as a caped crusader zooming through our body, battling the bad guys like toxins and hoisting up the good stuff, vitamins and minerals we need. It’s a champ at […]

What Is The Master Cleanse? Does It Work For Weight Loss?

Wondering if the Master Cleanse is a ticket to weight loss paradise or how it ticks? Bingo, you’ve struck gold. The Master Cleanse diet, also known as Lemonade diet (1) is a liquid diet that detoxifies the body and may help you lose weight. Even popular celebrities like Beyonce have tried this.   In this […]

Running for Weight Loss

Have you ever pondered lacing up your sneakers to shed some extra weight and sculpt your physique for the summer sun? Hesitant about whether running is right for you? Here’s a nugget of truth: Running suits **everyone** perfectly! It’s beyond just weight loss; it’s a marvel for your total wellness – both mental and physical. […]

Keto Coffee for Weight Loss – Is It Effective?

Feeling like the walking dead every morning, and even your trusty coffee won’t do the trick? Well, guess what? I’ve got a little secret that’s going to turn your mornings around. **Ketogenic coffee** is that wake-up call you need to blast through the AM slump. Ketogenic coffee is known for its instant energy boosting properties. […]

Science Explains Where All That Lost Fat Goes

For anyone who has dreamt of getting a toned, lean body, here is a little secret – You need to focus on one thing, and one thing only – fat loss.

15 Ways to Be Healthier

Feeling like a freight train of stress just knocked you over? Seem to snag colds as if you’re a spider’s next snack? Does your energy tank faster than you can say “empty”? Oh, and that glass of water—do you eyeball it and worry it’s gonna spill or run out any minute? If you want to […]

Smoking and Weight Loss: What Happens to Your Weight After You Quit Smoking?

Smoking helps make you lose weight but it’s also the top cause of preventable deaths such as chronic bronchitis, heart disease, and lung cancer.

What is the Pegan Diet?

What is a pegan diet? It is all about good food, healthy fat intake, and balanced dieting. Read on to find out how you can get started on the pegan diet.