Liquid Calories and What You Need To Know About It

Nowadays, when folks hear “calories,” they tend to think something bad. Often, we think it’s not fair, guys, all these weight gain/obesity/health issues! But the truth is, calories are a unit of energy that our bodies require to survive! Liquid Calories: How They Help You Lose Weight Highlights: Calories are a unit of energy that our […]

10 Things You Should Never Do If You’re Trying to Lose Weight

Today, obesity is recognized as a major health issue. In 2017, data showed that approximately 36% of adults in America were obese. On a global scale, over 1 in 10 individuals are affected by obesity (1). Even more concerning is the rising number of children who are becoming significantly overweight. The occurrence of obesity in […]

What Is The Master Cleanse? Does It Work For Weight Loss?

Got questions about how well the Master Cleanse helps with weight loss or how it works? You’ve hit the jackpot. The Master Cleanse diet, also known as Lemonade diet (1) is a liquid diet that detoxifies the body and may help you lose weight. Even popular celebrities like Beyonce have tried this.   In this […]

Keto Coffee for Weight Loss – Is It Effective?

If you’re dragging through the mornings, feeling like a zombie, and your daily cup of joe can’t shake off the sleepiness, then boy, do I have a secret for you. **Ketogenic coffee** is the game-changer you’ve been searching for to power through those tough AM hours. Ketogenic coffee is known for its instant energy boosting […]

Science Explains Where All That Lost Fat Goes

For anyone who has dreamt of getting a toned, lean body, here is a little secret – You need to focus on one thing, and one thing only – fat loss.

9 Ways to Burn Calories Without Trying

Fighting the battle of the bulge isn’t just about looking good – it’s a major boost for your body and brain too. Carrying extra pounds can be a heavyweight champion in inviting a bunch of health troubles. Yet, a lot of folks just shrug it off as part of life’s package deal. The truth is, […]

What is the Pegan Diet?

What is a pegan diet? It is all about good food, healthy fat intake, and balanced dieting. Read on to find out how you can get started on the pegan diet.

How Does Metabolism Affect Weight Loss?

What is the real score between rapid metabolism and weight loss? What role does metabolism play in weight gain? Read on to find out.

What is Coffee Diet? Is It Effective for Weight Loss?

Apart from doing the wonderous job of waking you up in the morning, coffee can also help you lose weight. Read on to find out how!

What is the Okinawa Diet?

The famous Japanese Okinawa diet has been gaining popularity as a wholesome which is also beneficial for weight loss. Read on to find out more.