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The JLo Diet: Is It Worth A Try?

Jennifer Lopez sits at the peak of the world’s highest-paid Latinas, dazzling us all with her singing, dancing, and acting chops. She first caught the spotlight and won hearts with her portrayal of the famous Latin symbol, Selena. Fans lovingly call her JLo, and she’s skyrocketed to fame, churning out hit after hit, packing arenas […]

Can Obesity Impact Work Productivity?

Everybody’s belt seems a tad tighter these days. Back in the day, a little extra around the waist didn’t seem like a big deal for most jobs. But now, as more folks of all ages are seeing the scale tip, the health scare tied to those extra pounds is shooting up healthcare costs. This growing […]

What is an Elimination Diet? Why Do It and How?

Loads of folks have a tough time with food allergies and tummy troubles. According to the World Health Organization, about 2 to 20 percent of folks around the globe deal with these food issues. (1) An elimination diet, which has been used for many centuries, is considered to be the most reliable method for determining […]

Is Caviar Good for Weight Loss and Improving Your Health?

Caviar, the fancy fish eggs from different kinds of sturgeon, is a real treat for your taste buds. Think of it as the snack of kings and queens. You’ll mostly run into varieties like osetra, beluga, kaluga, sevruga, sterlet, and hackleback. (1) If you’re curious about tasting luxury, caviar is your golden ticket, and here’s […]

Rice Versus Pasta For Weight Loss: Which One Should You Eat?

Losing weight can feel like a tall mountain to climb. Eating right plays a huge role in dropping those extra pounds. Plus, moving your body is key. But here’s the tricky part: knowing what you should eat. We all know scarfing down donuts or hitting up Starbucks too often is a no-go, but some food […]

6 Stir Fry Recipes Good for Weight Loss

No matter how much buzz surrounds them or how many influencers swear by them, those in-vogue diets rarely pave the way to a lifelong healthy balance. Their downfall usually lies in a lack of solid science support or just because sticking to them feels like climbing a mountain barefoot. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll […]

Growing Obesity Rates in the US — An Indication of Systemic Racism

Hot off the press! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just spilled the beans: 16 states across the US have more than a third of their folks tipping the scales into obesity. And guess what? It’s zooming up even faster among ethnic minority groups. There are significant racial disparities in the effects of Obesity: […]

15 Best Foods for Better Workout Results, According to Science

Not all grub is on the same level. That doesn’t mean some bites are better than others, oh no. It’s more like, some chow packs a bigger nutrient punch, and some are champs at hitting specific goals. All of the food in this list are delicious and flexible to be used in many recipes so […]

Can Cooling your Hands Help Make Exercise Longer and Improve Your Strength? Read Here!

Cool palms mean you can ace your job when the sun cranks up the heat. Boost your game by keeping those hands chilly. Our hands may have significantly impacted our evolution more than the human brain. As Alan Ruddock demonstrates, keeping your hands at a cool temperature can help you perform better in sports (1). […]

Low Cholesterol Diet for Beginners: What to Eat, Avoid and More

Your diet is like the captain of your ship when it comes to keeping cholesterol in check. Munching on the right snacks can steer you clear of nasty stuff like heart attacks and strokes. Dive into the world of heart-friendly eats and dodge those health scares like a pro. (1) Stick around, and you’ll uncover […]